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Creations & Offerings

Pardon My French!

This band came together out of a love of Frenchness; the romance, the sophistication, the je ne sais quoi...and a complete lack of French. Not a fluent speaker among us, but Edith Piaf and Serge Gainsbourg in our hearts, Pete Rozé,  Joshua Gouzy, Michael Ward-Bergeman, and I combined powers to create the most delightful repertoire of vintage French classics and cabaret tunes this side of the Atlantic. Catch all the Frenchness HERE.


Hallelujah Station

I got to play Maddie in this beatiful short feature directed by Christian Walker. Stay tuned.


Original Songs

From folk to funk, here's a running tab of musical creations on Soundcloud. Enjoy!

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Poems, plays, essays, and musings. Check out the latest workings of my brain in this BLOG.



Yes, I was in that aca-awesome flick, Pitch Perfect. And many other delightful projects besides. You can check it all out HERE.

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Chicken Bones

This wonderful short written and directed by Abby Waters was a blast to cast and costume. Follow the fun HERE

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This pandemic project became a lifeline. To soothe and inspire the changing world (and keep me sane in lockdown), I created a music video a day for 48 days. See the whole progression from Amazing Grace to original songs.

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